
Jangan Pernah Menyerah Meskipun Gunung & Lautan Menghadang

Tidak diragukan lagi, salah satu tempat terbaik untuk cincin kawin surabaya berpesta adalah pantai. Pantai mana pun dalam hal ini akan menjadi lebih menyenangkan daripada hampir semua lokasi lainnya. Pantai menawarkan latar belakang yang menenangkan untuk acara apa pun dan pesta tidak terkecuali. Pesta apa pun cocok untuk pantai.

Meskipun pesta pantai di siang hari adalah yang cincin nikah surabaya paling populer, pantai adalah lokasi yang sangat baik untuk pesta malam. Dianjurkan untuk memeriksa dengan otoritas lokal tentang peraturan, untuk menghindari kejutan. Tanyakan kepada polisi setempat tentang undang-undang tentang kebakaran terbuka, setelah pesta gelap, dan konsumsi alkohol.

Karena sifatnya yang informal, pesta pantai sangat cincin nikah surabaya mudah diselenggarakan. Para tamu yang Anda undang ke pesta pantai Anda adalah pengunjung pantai yang berpengalaman, dan mereka akan datang dengan persiapan. Kebanyakan orang senang menghabiskan waktu di pantai; jadi mengundang orang ke pesta Anda akan mudah dijual.

Meskipun pantai ini sangat menyenangkan, bukannya tanpa tantangan. Sengatan matahari dan angin adalah bagian tak terhindarkan dari pesta pantai. Pasir pada Anda dan pada makanan Anda adalah bagian dari hari itu. Gatal karena garam setelah mandi di laut adalah sesuatu yang harus Anda jalani. Meski dengan tantangannya, sehari di pantai sangat menyenangkan. Memiliki makanan yang disiapkan di atas panggangan di pantai itu bagus.

Pastikan Anda datang dengan losion berjemur, dan oleskan segera setelah Anda tiba di pantai atau sebelum Anda meninggalkan rumah. Setelah Anda mengoleskan losion berjemur, oleskan kembali setiap 30 detik. Ingatlah bahwa losion berjemur dibilas di dalam air, jadi gunakan kembali setelah mandi di laut. Untuk amannya, Anda harus mengadakan pesta di pantai dengan penjaga pantai yang bertugas. Tenggelam dan pasang surut adalah kenyataan dari pesta pantai mana pun, dan lebih baik berhati-hati daripada menyesal.

Pastikan Anda melakukan sebanyak mungkin pekerjaan persiapan makanan di rumah, jadi sederhanakan mengelola makanan di pesta. Simpan produk daging, susu, dan keju. Hanya keluarkan makanan yang mudah rusak dari pendingin saat dikonsumsi. Bawalah banyak air untuk menghindari dehidrasi di pantai. Ini mungkin terdengar seperti oxymoron, tetapi dehidrasi adalah ancaman nyata di pantai.

Ginjal adalah organ berbentuk kacang pada vertebrata tubuh kita, merupakan bagian dari sistem saluran kemih. Ginjal bertanggung jawab untuk menyaring limbah seperti urea dari sistem darah. Setelah ginjal menyaring limbah, ginjal akan mengeluarkannya, bersama dengan air, sebagai urin.

J Ginjal manusia adalah dua organ yang dapat ditemukan di bagian posterior perut. Ada satu ginjal di setiap sisi tulang belakang yang terletak tepat di bawah hati. Disamping masing-masing ginjal ada yang disebut kelenjar adrenal yang juga bisa disebut kelenjar suprarenal. Di balik selaput rongga perut adalah tempat ginjal berada. Ini berkorelasi sekitar T12 hingga L3 di tingkat vertebral. Untuk mengakomodasi hati kiri, ginjal kanan biasanya terletak sedikit lebih rendah daripada ginjal kiri.

Ukuran rata-rata ginjal pada manusia dewasa kira-kira panjangnya 11,5 cm dan kedalaman sekitar 4,5 cm. Bukan hal yang tidak masuk akal jika ginjal memiliki berat hingga 160 gram. Ginjal mengadopsi nama, organ "berbentuk kacang", karena sisi cekung mereka menghadap ke dalam. Pada sisi cekung pada setiap ginjal ini terdapat lubang, yang disebut Hilus. Hilus masuk ke arteri ginjal, vena ginjal, saraf, dan ureter.

Karena ginjal berfungsi menyaring limbah dalam tubuh manusia, ada banyak infeksi dan penyakit berbeda yang dapat mulai mengambil alihnya. Beberapa penyakit umum termasuk Batu Ginjal, Kanker di Ginjal. Dan seringkali infeksi yang berbeda ini dapat menyebabkan seluruh ginjal gagal berfungsi.

 Cincin nikah Surabaya - Anda sudah tidak kuliah lagi, dan inilah waktunya untuk menghapus poster dan menggantinya dengan karya seni asli. Tapi, Anda belum punya uang untuk minyak atau cat air. Seni cetak adalah alternatif yang terjangkau, namun juga bisa mahal. Bagaimana Anda bisa tahu apakah karya seni yang menarik perhatian Anda lebih dari sekadar wajah cantik?

Seni cetak adalah karya seni dalam dan dari dirinya sendiri, dan dapat dibuat dengan tangan oleh seniman-pembuat cetakan (cetakan seniman), dicetak secara digital (giclée), atau reproduksi fotomekanis (litograf offset).

Cetakan seniman adalah buatan tangan dan bukan reproduksi lukisan: cetakan adalah karya seni yang unik. Istilah tersebut mencakup berbagai teknik seni grafis seperti etsa, ukiran kayu, ukiran, sablon dan linocut. Edisi cenderung kurang dari 200, sebagian karena bahan yang digunakan untuk membuat cetakan sudah usang. Jenis cetakan ini terkadang disebut “cetakan asli”.

Reproduksi edisi terbatas adalah salinan kelipatan dari gambar yang sama, tetapi diproduksi dalam jumlah terbatas yang dijamin. Ini membuat gambar lebih eksklusif. Harga pasar bisa naik dari waktu ke waktu, jika permintaan melebihi penawaran. Ukuran edisi bervariasi tetapi dibatasi oleh kekuatan pasar, bukan oleh batasan fisik metode seni grafis. Sebagian besar edisi terbatas ditandatangani dan diberi nomor dengan pensil oleh seniman dengan komitmen bahwa tidak ada reproduksi gambar lain yang akan dibuat.

Cetakan reproduksi edisi terbuka dapat diproduksi dalam jumlah berapa pun dan gambarnya juga dapat digunakan dengan cara lain, seperti pada peralatan makan. Edisi terbuka cenderung lebih murah daripada edisi terbatas dan cenderung tidak meningkat nilainya.

Cetakan Giclée dibuat dengan menggunakan teknologi pencetakan digital, biasanya inkjet. Teknologi ini memungkinkan pengguna untuk menghasilkan cetakan kecil. Ini juga memungkinkan pengecer untuk menawarkan layanan 'cetak sesuai permintaan', di mana pembeli memilih gambar dan kemudian dicetak di sana.

Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi harga seni cetak:

Artis dan Kelangkaan

Pastinya nama artis merupakan penyumbang nilai utama. Tapi cetakan seni dari artis yang sama mungkin memiliki harga yang sangat bervariasi. Nilai tambah ini karena kelangkaan. Cetakan yang lebih berharga mungkin merupakan bagian dari edisi terbatas yang hanya berjumlah beberapa eksemplar, sementara yang lebih terjangkau dari edisi edisi terbuka yang lebih besar. Tapi keduanya adalah karya seni asli dari seniman yang sama. Merupakan ide yang bagus untuk mengenal baik karya seniman tertentu dan rekan-rekannya juga. Penelitian tentang tempat seniman di dunia seni akan membantu Anda memastikan bahwa Anda mendapatkan nilai yang baik.

Edisi, Tanda Tangan, dan Segel

Sebelum abad kedua puluh seniman tidak secara rutin memberi nomor atau menandatangani cetakan mereka dengan tangan. Sebuah tanda tangan bisa berasal dari piring tetapi tidak banyak nilainya. Yang penting adalah tanda tangan individu artis di cetakan, biasanya dengan pensil (tinta akhirnya akan memudar). Cetakan seni rupa modern sering dinomori oleh senimannya sendiri, yaitu "34/100" (nomor 34 dari edisi 100).


Bukan hal yang aneh jika seni cetak yang lebih tua memiliki beberapa kekurangan. Jika tidak ada, periksa lagi! Mungkin reproduksi. Meskipun cacat kecil seperti sedikit kotoran dianggap normal, bergantung pada usia, cacat lain, seperti pemotongan pada gambar atau warna yang sangat pudar, dapat sangat mengurangi nilai cetakan.

Kualitas Kesan

Cetakan yang diambil lebih awal dari piring atau balok kayu lebih tepat dan rinci dalam garis daripada cetakan selanjutnya. Bergantung pada tekniknya, balok / pelat aus setelah jumlah tayangan tertentu. Hampir tidak lebih dari 2.000 tayangan dapat diambil dari balok kayu tanpa penurunan kualitas yang cukup terlihat. Lihat ke penomoran (yaitu, 15/450) untuk menentukan tempat apa dalam cetakan itu.


Cetakan yang lebih besar cenderung lebih mahal daripada cetakan yang lebih kecil. Aturan praktis ini kurang valid untuk cetakan lama dibandingkan cetakan modern.


Asalnya, atau sejarah kepemilikan barang, dapat mempengaruhi nilai. Cetakan dari koleksi terkenal biasanya akan menghasilkan premium.


Meski soal opini dan selera pribadi, subjek sebuah karya cetak memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap nilai. Anda akan membayar lebih untuk hewan lucu, wanita cantik, pemandangan indah, potret menarik. Subjek yang tidak menarik secara komersial adalah subjek yang jelek, suram, atau berhubungan dengan perang, tidak peduli seberapa penting karya tersebut secara klasik. Bagaimanapun, itu dibeli untuk dipasang di dinding. Orang akan membayar lebih jika mereka menyukai gambar itu.

Pada akhirnya, yang paling penting adalah pendapat Anda tentang nilai cetakan. Anda akan paling bahagia dengan cetakan seni yang Anda sukai secara pribadi. Meskipun cetakan seni terkadang bisa menjadi investasi yang baik, cara terbaik untuk memaksimalkan uang Anda adalah menikmatinya setiap hari karena menghiasi rumah Anda. Nilai itu? Tak ternilai.

While Mexico is home to a cincin kawin bandung number of well-known beaches, there are many individuals who are unsure which beach they should visit.  If you are interesting in scheduling a beach vacation, the best way to choose a destination isn’t by beaches, but by beach resorts. Beach resorts typically offer overnight hotel accommodations and private beaches. Below is an overview of five of the most popular beach resorts found in Mexico. 

Top Rated Mexico Beach ResortsAre you interested in planning your next vacation in Mexico?  If you are, you are not alone.  Each year, a large number of tourists make the decision to travel to Mexico.  Most are interested in vacationing at some of the most well-known beaches in the world.

(1)  Le Meridien Cancun Resort and Spa is one of the most popular beach resorts in all of Mexico.  Le Meridien Cancun Resort and Spa is located in Cancun.  The resort differs from other resorts in that it does not have a Mexican theme.  Instead, the theme is French. 

If you are interested in vacationing at the cincin emas bandung Le Meridien Cancun Resort and Spa, you will find a wide range of on and offshore activities. Popular resort activities include swimming, golfing, and beaching.  The onsite spa is ideal for travelers who just want to pamper themselves.

(2)  La Jolla de Mismaloya is located in Puerto Vallarta.  Similar to the above mentioned Cancun resort, La Jolla Mismaloya has a French theme.  La Jolla de Mismaloya is most well-known for being a resort that caters to children of all ages. 

The resort is popular for its beachfront activities. These activities may include relaxing by the spa, swimming, or boating.  As with most other beach resorts, La Jolla de Mismaloya has an unlimited number of activities that are geared towards adventure lovers. These activities often included guided tours that require horseback riding, kayaking, hiking, or biking.

(3)  The Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach is located in Cancun.  It is known as one of the most top rated beach resorts in the Cancun area. Cincin tunangan bandung The resort’s topnotch service is often hard to find at other area resorts.

Aside from traditional beach activities, the Fiesta Americana Grand Coral Beach is most well-known for its amazing, unique, and exciting adventures.  These adventures often include snorkeling, scuba diving, boat tours, sailing, and jet skiing. 

(4)  The Fairmont Acapulco Princess is located in Acapulco. The Acapulco area is most well-known for its wide range of landscape sceneries. Beaches, jungles, and deserts are all located within a sort distance of each other in the Acapulco area.

The Fairmont Acapulco Princess is most known for its unique, but intriguing structural designs. The hotel is stocked with modern accommodations, but the structural designs of the hotel takes you back into time.  Onsite resort facilities include multiple pools, multiple tennis courts, a day spa, fitness center, and shopping center.

(5)  The Westin Regina Beach Resort is located in Puerto Vallarta.  While the resort is most known for its golf accommodations, the beach area is just as spectacular. 

Aside from a golf course, onsite facilities include swimming pools, tennis courts, and amazing restaurants.  If you are looking for an adventure on or under the water, the Westin Regina Beach Resort may have just what you are looking for.  Popular water activities include swimming, boating, fishing, snorkeling, and scuba diving.

While examining and researching multiple resorts may seem like a time consuming process, you may find that it will payoff in the end.  Taking the time to select the perfect beach resort in Mexico is the best way to ensure that you will enjoy your Mexico vacation. 

The above mentioned beach resorts are just a few of the many that can be found in Mexico.  With so many beach resorts to choose from, you may find it difficult or impossible to choose.  You may want to consider obtaining feedback from friends, family members, or coworkers who recently vacationed at a Mexico beach resort.  In addition to asking those that you know, you can easily read online reviews posted by travelers.

While most people enjoy , sports , lottery and bingo playing for the fun and excitement it provides, others may experience as an addictive and distractive habit. Statistics show that while 85 percent of the adult population in the US enjoys some type of every year, between 2 and 3 percent of will develop a problem and 1 percent of them are diagnosed as pathological jersey sepeda custom .

Making address labels for letters and parcels can be a real chore. It’s something that has stood in the way of all sorts of people, whether they are large-scale eBay sellers or simply office workers who need to post a big batch of letters.

What you might not have realised, though, is that making address labels can be easy when you know how. The best way to do it is to compose your letters using a Mail Merge function in the first place, such as the one that comes with Microsoft Word. This means that your addresses are being stored not in the documents themselves, but in either a spreadsheet or a database. The documents then contain a ‘field’, which is a special area where the program knows the address should go.

Once you have split your addresses from your documents in this way, you should find it much easier to make address labels. All you need to do is open a page and insert a lot of address fields, with a  ‘next record’ field in between each one to tell the software not to put in the same address twice. Word has a wizard to help you do this: just go to the File menu, then New, and then choose ‘Mailing Label Wizard’ from under ‘Letters and Faxes’. Point it to your database, and you should be good to go.

If you have answered yes on at least one of the Pesan jersey sepeda questions listed above, then you have a problem.

The final step in making address labels is a physical one. Sure, you’ve got your fancy software that can make mailing labels, but unless you want to cut the addresses out from pieces of paper and use tape or glue, you’re also going to need to get some sticky labels and put them in your printer. You can obviously find them at any good office supplies or stationery store, but make sure to get a size that Word knows about, so it can lay the labels out correctly for you. You can check the label sizes Word has available in the last stage of the Mailing Label Wizard, after you point it to your database – don’t worry too much, though, as few manufacturers will bother to make labels in a size incompatible with Word.

There are many kinds of metal detectors - gold detectors, coin and jewel detectors, relic hunting detectors, beach-hunting detectors, and underwater metal detectors. Buying a metal detector can be a tricky affair. Before one decides to buy a metal sewa tenda murah detector, here are a few points to consider.

How often will it be put to use? If it is for a new hobby, it may be a good idea to buy a one with a lot of features. 

Where it will be used? Will it be used on the beach, underwater, or in the woods?

Who will use it? If it for use in the family, there are detectors that have adjustable arm cups and separate pouches to mount the electronic box.

How much will you spend on a detector? It is advisable to be a little flexible in this regard so that one can buy one that most suits the requirements.

Buying used metal detectors usually offer the best value for your money. It is always best to buy used metal detectors from a respected dealer, rather than a classified ad. Most dealers offer a money back guarantee or a trade-in option. If you are buying from someone other than a dealer make sure it is someone you know and trust. Most dealers sell only tested metal detectors.

Prices of used metal detectors vary from $275 to $700 for all-purpose metal detectors. Underwater metal detectors can cost around $500. Most used accessories can cost $200. It is also a good idea to keep in mind that a used metal detector will not have the manufacturers warranty, but dealing with a reputable dealer will eliminate some of the risk.

I’ve found a cool apartment! Okay, okay…so it’s not perfect. Just a few bugs. I mean literally! First expense? An exterminator! Is it worth the cash? Well, I can’t afford a more expensive place, so a one-time (please!) cash outlay should be okay. Maybe just a can of “Raid?”

I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief!

While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal? 

Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV!

Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box.

Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure?

Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so…

Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD! 

Uhhh, Mom?

Time and again, accountants and consultants who specialise in say that such enterprises don't pay enough attention to cash flow. That's the measure of how much money you really have in the business. Be Wary of Big Contracts "Small entrepreneurs wind bikin jersey murah up taking big orders that get them in trouble," says Ronald Lowy, who heads a college business administration department. "They want the big contract, but they're not getting enough money at the front end of it and they don't have the cash reserves to pay workers and other bills while they're waiting to get paid themselves. They might show a profit on an accrual basis, but from a cash-flow standpoint, they don't."

Judith Dacey, a certified public accountant, calls a cash-flow statement "probably the most important thing in telling you if your business is on or off target." As an example she describes how board members of a non-profit group were not examining their cash-flow statements.
"They were hiring people and spending money on membership campaigns, and doing all of these things based on money they thought they had from looking at the profit-and-loss (P&L) statements," Dacey says. "They didn't realise that the profit-and-loss statement was an accrual statement, which basically means you are including paper promises of payments to come, not money that you have in the bank."

The non-profit board became aware of the difficulty only when the organisation bounced a check. Employees had to be laid off, and belts were tightened. "That could have been avoided if they'd seen the cash-flow statements," Dacey says. "A cash-flow statement tells you here's the cash that has actually come in and that you can work with."
A statement of cash flow starts with the bottom of your profit and loss statement — the line that shows your net income. Several adjustments are made to bikin jersey printing that number. The details are a little complex but a good accounting program that does a P&L and a balance sheet will also calculate this statement for you.

Tracking the Big 10
If you've established a way to track cash flow, then you can go on to organise and track 10 financials for your business. That's a big list, but don't panic: As with profit and loss statements, you can take advantage of software programs to automate tracking for many of the following:
• Your Assets
Tracking your equipment, furniture, real estate and other holdings should be easy. But to have a true idea of the value of your business, you also have to track changes in the value of those assets. More than one <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/india/smallbusiness/howtoguides.mspx">small business</a> has found itself located on a piece of land that's worth more than the business itself. Similarly, you also will want to track the declining value of assets such as computers and office furniture.
• Your Liabilities
On the face of it, this is easy — liabilities are what you owe. But what you owe isn't always as obvious as a bill from your landlord. Payroll taxes are a liability that depend on the size of your payroll. Loans are a clear liability, but in repaying them you'll want to be able to track how much of a payment is applied against principal and interest.
•What does it Cost You to Produce What You Sell?
If you're buying a finished item for resale, this is relatively easy. It's trickier if you have to calculate all the factors, such as labour, that go into manufacturing a product.
•What's it Costing You to Sell What You Sell?
Advertising, marketing, labour, storage and the catch-all category of overhead — it's useful to know how much it costs you to get a product sold as well as what it costs you to create it.
•What's Your Gross Profit Margin?
This is calculated by dividing your total sales into your gross profit. If your gross profit margin is staying consistent or trending upward, you're probably on track.
Being able to track a declining margin can give you a heads-up that you must adjust your prices or your costs. In the worst cases your gross profit and profit margin disappear altogether. At that point, you'll be like the fellow who lost money on every sale but figured he could make it up in volume. Don't do it.
•What's Your Debt-to-asset Ratio?
This ratio can let you know how much of the stuff you have in your company is actually owned by someone else — your lender. Having this ratio climb can be a bad sign. It can happen as part of a major expansion, but it can also indicate that you're getting in over your head.
•What's the Value of Your Accounts Receivable?
This is the money you are owed. If accounts receivable are on the rise, you may be getting a warning that the folks you sell to are starting to stumble.
•What's Your Average Collection Time on Accounts Receivable?
This is probably one of the most aggravating pieces of information for cash-strapped businesses, because it tells you how many days you're acting as 'banker' for the people who owe you money.
•What Are Your Accounts Payable?
The flip side of accounts receivable. An increase in your accounts payable may merely reflect a larger amount of purchases overall. But an increase that hasn't been planned or managed can be an internal warning that your company's financial strength is waning.
•What's Happening With Your Inventory?
There are occasions, even in this just-in-time business world, when building up a significant inventory can be a good thing.
If prices for items you sell or use in production are relatively low, putting some of your money into inventory may make sense.
Being able to track your inventory can tell you whether business is increasing or slowing down. It also tells you how much money is tied up in this unproductive asset.
Knowing what's up with your cash flow is essential to your business. But sometimes the figures can be difficult to understand. Don't ever be afraid to turn to professionals for some help.

How is world peace seen through children's eyes? More than 3 million children ages 11 to 13 have shared their visions for peace through the Lions International jersey sepeda murah Peace Poster Contest.

"Achieving peace requires a deep desire to understand, respect and honor others," said Kyler B. Watson,13, of Stuttgart, Ark., one of the contest's 2005-2006 merit award winners.

The 2005-2006 grand prize winner was Cleverson da Silva Rosa, a 13-year-old from Parana, Brazil, who, along with two family members and the sponsoring Lions club president, traveled to New York for Lions Day with the United Nations. The annual event gives Lions the opportunity to meet with ambassadors at U.N. Headquarters. More than 700 Lions attended this year.

Previous grand prize winners have come from all over the world, many from areas where children do not know peace.

"The Peace Poster Contest represents a unique way for our members to provide an outlet for these future leaders to express their visions of peace," said Lions Clubs International President Ashok Mehta.

Lions clubs sponsor the contest in schools and organized youth programs. It provides an outlet for children and adults to discuss the meaning of world peace while artistically demonstrating ideas for reaching this goal. Now in its 18th year, the contest has been held in more than 75 countries.

"I think it is important that young people have a chance to really think about world peace," said 13-year-old Wade Angeli of Fairfax, Va., another merit winner.

Two years ago some Chinese friends of mine took me to NTDTV’s (New Tang Dynasty TV) live Chinese New Year Spectacular. It was a thrilling and enchanting music and dance performance, with traditional Chinese instruments and costumes faithfully recreated from old manuscripts, paintings and pottery. The dragons, drums and dancers all evoked the grandeur of China’s great dynasties and legends of remote history.

Ancient Chinese traditions speak of harmony between heaven and earth. They say that humans were created by Gods. Culture as well as moral and spiritual guidance were also imparted to humans by divine beings during different times in history. When humans respect the Tao, the “Divine Law or Way” and follow Heaven’s order, society will be prosperous and peaceful.

Like most Westerners I knew next to nothing about the Chinese New Year. So I asked my friends to tell me more and share their favorite New Year’s memories. I learned that Chinese New Year is actually celebrated by almost a quarter of the world’s population in several Asian countries where it is the most important holiday of the year. It follows the Lunar calendar, and the date varies each year, depending on the moon’s cycle. 

Several friends shared about fire works and favorite foods–dumplings were often mentioned–and various traditions. One is to write poems or lucky phrases on red paper to be pasted around every family’s door. After breakfast there would be a round of visits. The first stop would be at a local temple to burn incense and honor the gods. Next came visits to relatives and friends. In many towns musicians paraded through streets to announce the arrival of spring.

The Lantern Festival marks the end of the New Year season. It evolved from the ancient belief of celestial spirits flying about in the light of the first full moon. Lanterns of many colors and shapes were lit during the night.

Maquiong, who grew up in a town near the Yangzi River, said, “Some communities would organize a lantern market. Usually, my mom would take us to watch the activities. Later she’d cook another good dinner which included dumplings filled with syrup, which symbolizes harmony in the family and sweetness of life.”

She said that in recent years traditions like these have been changing in China. In big cities fireworks were forbidden, and people have New Year’s dinner at restaurants. Also, many people exchange new year greetings by phone and don’t visit each other so much anymore. “But in my memories,” Maquiong said, “Chinese New Year always means having a good time.”

"Traditional Chinese culture and spiritual traditions were destroyed and outlawed by the Chinese Communist  Party,” said Jason, a medical doctor. He said that the CCP smashed almost all the temples and burned the ancient manuscripts. Since coming to power in the late 40s, they have changed history books and brainwashed generations of Chinese with party culture, class struggle and Marxist ideology.

“Young people know nothing about true Chinese history or the deeper values of our ancient traditions,” Jason said. “NTDTV and its annual global Chinese New Year Shows are instrumental in promoting a rebirth of traditional Chinese culture. The performances are magnificent and full of nobility.”